Subject: Re: ?Dark Lord Molokan?
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001
From: "Glen Dudley" <>Wow. I was completely unaware that there were actual "Molokans" in the world. I needed a name for a character in my comic strip and thought Molokan had a nice ring to it. I suppose I might have seen the word somewhere and had it imprinted on me. I really don't remember how I came up with it.
The Molokan in my comic was a talking balloon, so he doesn't have anything at all to do with real-life Molokans. He shouldn't even be on my Big Panda listing now since he only appeared in one storyline. I just haven't updated that section in a while.
Anyway, thanks for the email. It's always nice to have my horizons expanded!
Glen Dudley
Subject: Re: ?Dark Lord Molokan?
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001
From: "Glen Dudley" < >Big Panda is only a big link directory. All of my comics can be found at my website, . One of the strips I did with Molokan is at . He's the red guy. I might not have been too clear before, but Molokan is just his name. He's not one of the Molokans you write about.
A word of warning: I've been told my comic isn't very good. I'm also pretty sure it doesn't have any significance for members of the Molokan religion. Some people might find a few of the comics offensive, depending on how easily offended they are. I try to keep it around PG-13, but you never know what will upset someone. Because of all this, I'm not sure that linking to me would do a lot of good. If I ever start up a site about the real Molokans, however, I'll be sure to drop you a line. :)
If you want to link to my site, I really don't mind at all. That's one of the things I'm always happy about. I have a problem with being way too worried about who might be offended by my comics. Thanks for making me a little more famous :).