Hryhorij Savyč

Матф.6,9. Отче наш
Волков В.А. поет "Никогда я в жизни не забуду Светлых дней прекрасных моих дней
 Vasili Andreevich
September 10, 2009

Kars'ın Solan Renklerinden olan Malakanların konu alındığı, Vedat AKÇAYÖZ'ün de Rusya'ya göç etmiş Türkçe konuşan Malakanları ziyareti ve araştırmaları ve güncel çekimleriyle destek verdiği belgesel.

For this documentary, "The Fading Colors of Kars Molokans", Vedat Akchayez traveled to Russia to research, visit and film Turkish-speaking Molokans.

The Fading Color of Kars: Molokans - Documentary Part 1 of 4
Kars'ın Solan Renkleri Malakanlar Belgesel Kısım 1-4

This first documentary video about Molokans to be posted on Internet won first prize at the 9th International Golden Saffron Documentary Film Festival in 2008.

This Turkish-language documentary uses archival Soviet film, images from print and the Internet, and recent video with sound and photos recorded among Molokans and Jumpers now living in north Stavropol province, Russian Federation, who migrated from Kars district, Turkey, in 1962. Most of the video was made in Levokumskoe and Novokumskoe villages. A voice-over narration tells the story in Turkish, weaving through the history with current life style images.

Though the video title is about Kars Molokans, the producers included sound and images of Molokans, Jumpers and Doukhobors not from Kars, probably to fill in story gaps where they lacked sound and image. An astute insider may find these errors which diminish the documentary accuracy and will unfortunately be passed along as facts. Most notable initially is the use of Azerbaijan Molokan singing during the opening first minute, which varies significantly from the singing style of Kars Molokans. Later images of Molokans and Jumpers in Armenia are interweaved with Kars Molokans, who never lived in Armenia. Whether the producers knew of these substitution errors will be unclear until a complete English or Russian translation of the narration is available. And whether the producers knew of more accurate representative samples of singing and images already on the Internet before the film was made will not be known until correspondence about these details occurs.

Below is a time log index for each part, with descriptions, comments, corrections and sources. Erroneous image subtitutions are shown.

Hatalar   Errors

Singing in first minute is by Molokans from Aserbaijan who never lived in Kars and sing in a different style.
0:10-1:24 Actual photos of Kars Molokans.
1:24-1:40  Image of prophet -- in Fioletovo, Armenia. Prophet Ivan Vasilich Zadorkin

Semionov, I.Ia. Istoriia zakavkazskikh molokan i dukhoborov. Everva, 2001. Pages 48-49
1:40-2:29  Soviet era souvenier postcard images of Kars
2:30-2:38 -- Butterfly on flowers symbolizing that the Molokans were part of the color of Kars.

Photo of man in Fioletovo, Armenia who never lived in Kars. Semionov, I.Ia. Istoriia zakavkazskikh molokan i dukhoborov. Everva, 2001. Pages 48-49

3:57-   video of Kars Molokans in Stavropol
4:05  Kars Molokan in Stavropol speaks Turkish
4:14  sings Turkish folk song
4:31  wedding in Molokan prayer house, Levokumskoe village, Stavropol province.
4:36  Prayer rug is rotated sideways, compare to American Molokans and Jumpers
4:48-4:52 Altar table shows 4 books (3 bibles, songbook)
4:48:5:50 Psalm with voice over
5:50-5:58 Cut to prayer at house, not wedding, then cut back to wedding
6:30-6:34 Cut to May 2007 photo of Jumper milking cow in Fioletovo, Armenia, then cut back to wedding
6:40-6:47 - Cut to man in house for a fragment about milk
6:47-7:32  Cut to a Jumper S&L-user prayer meeting to show raised hands and jumping.
7:337:55 archival threshing and cutting grains
7:58-   Tsar Nicholas II
8:18-8:36 Leo Tolstoi images with Zeltov
8:39-    Archival film of Russian Exodus from central Russia
Voiceover says they moved to Siberia, Altai, Transcaucasus, Anatolia, Kars, America, Canada, Mexico, Hawaii, Austalia, New Zealand,

8:56-9:00   Doukhobors from Tiflis gubernia, now the Republic of Georgia, on board the S.S. Lake Huron, January 1899. This photo of the first shipload of Doukhobors going to Canada appears in at least three books and on the Internet.
Tarasoff, Koozma J. Plakun Trava: The Doukhobors. 1982. Page 41.
Tarasoff, Koozma J. A Pictorial History of Doukhobors. 1969. Page 59.
Tarasoff, Koozma J. Spirit Wrestlers: Doukhobor Pioneers' Strategies for Living. 2002. Page 5.
August 25, 2009
Kars'ın Solan Renkleri Malakanlar Belgesel Kısım 1-4

Kars'ın Solan Renkleri Malakanlar Belgesel Kısım 2-4
1:31 -- Zealous Doukhobors October 28, 1902 photo in of zealous Doukhobors marching from their abandoned colonies to Yorkton, Saskatchwan in in an effort to find Zion (spiritually) and protest the govenment vacillating on how they should own land -- communally or individually.
Koozma J. Tarasoff's books: Plakum Trava (1982, page 77), and A Pictorial History of the Doukhobors (1969, pag 113).
The 'Sons of Freedom' —  a flashback to 1956: Origins, problems, misconceptions, and relationship to Doukhobors. (2009)
The Origin of the Freedomite Movement, by William A. Soukeroff (translated from Russian)
Zealot Trek of 1902 in which over 1700 'old believers' gathered and trekked to Yorkton trying to convince others of the evils of the new ways and over all discontent with government pressure to sign the land registry. A rare photo of this phenomena.

Kars'ın Solan Renkleri Malakanlar Belgesel Kısım 3-4
Kars'ın Solan Renkleri Malakanlar Belgesel Kısım 4-4
Editor mistakenly used singing from Azeribaijan Molokans
