Koozma J. Tarasoff 882 Walkley Road Ottawa, Ontario KIV 6R5 Canada Phone/Fax: 613-737-5778 Email: < tarasoff@spirit-wrestlers.com > Home Page: < http://www.spirit-wrestlers.com > |
March 15, 2001Dear Friends:
Here is a letter which I have sent out to a list of select Doukhobors across the country.
Enclosed is a tentative cover design for my new book featuring our ancestors and their accomplishments of the past century. I am sending this to you as my gift and at the same time offering you a special author's discount ($59.95+$10.00) if you reply within ten days. I will also include a Bonus CD-ROM which will allow you to see and hear the sounds of our noble past.
As you probably know, after producing my current Plakun Trava on CD-ROM, this past fall I turned my full attention to preparing Spirit Wrestlers: Doukhobor Pioneers of the Century. (The projected publication date is December 2001 - just in time for Christmas). Besides writing the book itself, I have engaged a professional development team to digitize and digitally restore 700 best photos, maps, and sketches as well as enhance video and audio to create the interactive CD-ROM.
The book promises to be a riveting, very personal and passionate account of the Spirit Wrestlers from their difficult path in Tsarist Russia 350 years ago, their unique 1895 peace act, and their migration, settlement and adjustment to Canadian society not only as pioneers, but also as full contributors to, and equal citizens of the new land.
This project is the most expensive one that I have undertaken to date in almost fifty years of studies on the Doukhobors (the production cost will be well over $100,000). I have appealed to a number of corporate sponsors with very limited success so far.
In the meantime, however, several institutions along with individuals have ordered- in-advance copies of my new forthcoming book (as well as copies of my current Plakun Trava on CD-ROM). For example, Simon Fraser University Library has purchased two copies of each of these new productions. A businessman in Vancouver has purchased six copies as gifts for each of his children and his brothers. Another businessman in Castlegar has purchased four copies of the book for his children. A doctor ordered five copies for his family along with all the eight books listed on one of my brochures. A Saskatoon Doukhobor woman who does not own a computer has acquired four copies for her children and friends as well as my Pioneer book for herself. Just recently, a Doukhobor woman from Seattle ordered eight copies of the book -- an outstanding purchase. I am very very grateful to the customers who have come to my assistance in time of need.
As a friend, I'm appealing for your assistance. To make this new big Showbook Centennial volume possible, I am urging people like yourself to purchase advance copies. The moneys will be used to prepare this work. The regular price is now in effect: $79.95 plus shipping and handling. This includes the book with a limited time Bonus CD-ROM. Order advance copies now for yourself, your children and for your special friends. This is not a donation -- simply a way by which I may accelerate this monumental adventurous pioneering endeavour.
The purchase will benefit you in several ways:
- You will recognize your noble ancestors (including your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents) and celebrate their important contribution to society;
- You will be the proud possessor of an important multimedia document of your heritage and traditional roots in this country and abroad;
- You will inherit a treasure that will capture in pictures, words and sounds the wisdom of the ages as reflected in our common ancestry; and
- You will help me as author to make all of this possible.
For those who are kind enough to respond early to my plea and order copies of Spirit Wrestlers: Doukhobor Pioneers of the Century, your name will be acknowledged on a 'special thanks' page on both the book and CD-ROM!
May I count on you to embrace this project like it is one of your own? Remember, your support will help preserve your colourful heritage, including photos of your ancestors. This urgent request comes from a friend and fellow Spirit Wrestler. My wish is that 2001 will bring you and your family good health, joy, and much success.
Koozma J. TarasoffPS: Please visit my web site: http://www.spirit-wrestlers.com . Also look for my second home page (now in preparation) to allow you to purchase enhanced photos in several popular formats: as an upload on the Internet, on CD-ROM, or as prints in colour or black and white.
PPS: Order now and save with this author's time limited offer. After this, the regular price will go into effect.
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